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Advancing access for St. Louis immigrants and refugees

Each year, we look back on the impact of delivering affordable, culturally informed care to our community’s most vulnerable populations. Scroll to dive into this year’s highlights and learn more about how you can support our mission.


A letter from our President

As the 2023 fiscal year comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on the incredible tapestry of our Casa community — 59 nationalities, 52 counties across Missouri and Illinois and a vast network of partnerships throughout the Greater St. Louis region. This past year challenged us and yet, because of the strength and dedication of this community, the spirit of Casa prevailed.


Our hybrid telehealth model, born from necessity, sustains our essential services as we continue to navigate the lingering impacts of the pandemic. At the same time, we are actively adapting to ever-evolving needs by expanding clinical care offerings and enriching our volunteer support network. Through all the growing pains, we know each step in our journey is bolstered by the unwavering generosity of our partners, volunteers, board and donors.


Our collaborations with many incredible organizations have placed Casa de Salud at the epicenter of cultural care and academic prowess, helping us set a nationally recognized standard for systems-level change. From our foundation partnership with Saint Louis University to visionary partnerships with the City of St. Louis Department of Health, SSM Health, BJC Healthcare and Ascension, we're furthering not only our commitment to providing vital health services — we're shaping the future of our community for the better.


This year, our collective efforts have touched the lives of more than 2,500 individuals who entered our doors in search of solace. Thank you for making this impact possible.


Delivering on our mission

Casa de Salud's mission is to facilitate and deliver high-quality clinical and mental health services to underinsured and uninsured patients, with a focus on immigrants and refugees who encounter barriers to accessing care.

Diego Abente


2023 impact by the numbers

How Casa de Salud supported the health of immigrant communities in 2023:


people served


services delivered


nationalities served


in financial assistance accessed by patients with GUIA case manager assistance


volunteer hours

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“A lot of patients prefer coming to Casa for healthcare. The U.S. healthcare system can often make people feel lost, anxious and overwhelmed, so our clients tend to feel the most comfortable coming here. I love Casa and its mission; the staff here are like a family.”


Leonor Roy, Clinical Services Manager, Casa de Salud

Our model

Driving connections to needed care

Casa de Salud drives positive change in the St. Louis metro area by acting as a critical link between care providers and immigrant communities.

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Services provided

We’re proud to deliver essential health care services across three areas of expertise: our medical clinic, the Mental Health Collaborative (MHC) and our Guides for Understanding, Information and Access (GUIA) program. Explore our services and impact for each area below.

Care Settings

Casa de Salud Healthcare Clinic

The Casa de Salud Clinic fills a major void by providing culturally and linguistically appropriate primary healthcare to immigrants who may not be able to access or afford the care they need elsewhere. With the support of our partners and volunteers, Casa’s on-site care team provides a broad range of primary care services.


doctors, nurses and other medically licensed professionals


volunteer hours


patient visits

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This year, our team of staff and volunteers provided clinical services to help heal 11 patients per day over 264 days of operation.

Types of services provided

• Behavioral Health

• Immunizations

• Ear, Nose, & Throat (ENT)

• Gynecology/Women’s Health

• Neurology

• Rheumatology

• Nutrition Counseling

• TB Testing

• Diabetes Education

• Labwork

• Family Medicine

• Internal Medicine

• Orthopedics

• Medication Administration

• Physical Therapy

• Telephone Encounters

• Dermatology

• Gastroenterology

• Nephrology

• Psychiatry

• Nurse Assessments

• Pelvic Physical Therapy

Thanks to our external partners, an additional 181 services were provided.

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Thank you to our dedicated volunteers!

Together, we are building a stronger, better connected regional healthcare system and community safety net.

Mental Health Collaborative (MHC)

The MHC provides critical access to therapy for immigrants in our community to promote whole-person health and wellbeing. The MHC’s diverse and experienced team of therapists provides mental health care for everyone starting at age 4.


clients served


volunteer therapists


therapy sessions provided


licensed volunteer therapy hours


non-licensed volunteer therapy hours


value of total volunteer therapy hours


Every day the MHC is open, Casa helps around 13 individuals continue their healing journey, providing 3,460 therapy sessions annually.

Improved health outcomes


of clients experienced a decrease in anxiety


of clients experienced a decrease in depression


of clients experienced a decrease in trauma symptoms

Helping families heal together

Our open, collaborative model enables us to provide the most diverse care resources for the most diverse range of care needs — uplifting whole-person health for the whole family.



unique therapy modalities offered

Our MHC partners

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“What I’ve enjoyed most is helping patients advocate for themselves and setting them up for success in their journeys.”


Leonor Roy, Clinical Services Manager, Casa de Salud

Guides for Understanding, Information and Access (GUIA)

GUIA case managers tackle some of the most difficult obstacles to care by helping our patients gain access to the care and financial assistance they need to improve their health. Our GUIA program helps patients and clients better navigate the complexities of the healthcare system while also educating healthcare providers on the nuances of delivering culturally sensitive care.


patients served


cases managed per month


appointments coordinated into the broader healthcare system

Support provided


Scheduling appointments


Arranging transportation


Referrals to external providers


Securing financial assistance


Care coordination


Accompanying care visits



in patient medical bills saved through GUIA financial aid assistance.

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Making a real difference

The people we serve are the true heart of Casa. We center patient experiences in all that we do to ensure our services meet their needs, achieve their goals and help them live their healthiest lives. Read about one patient's journey to better health below.

Patient Impact

Meet Natalia*

Born in Mexico and raised in California, Natalia moved with her husband to St. Louis in 2011. She experienced severe postpartum depression after the birth of her youngest child and didn’t know where to turn for help. “I couldn’t say two words without breaking into tears.”


Before Natalia came to Casa, she felt alone. “Going to Casa opened a door,” Natalia said. Each week, she began visiting her therapist at the MHC to identify and work through a range of challenges she was facing — including understanding her emotions, processing trauma and addressing financial barriers impacting her ability to focus on her health. Natalia was prescribed medication to treat her depression and she also visited a primary care physician for the first time.


Natalia’s journey at Casa de Salud transformed her outlook on life and her connection to her loved ones. Her family started attending therapy at Casa de Salud at her urging and she believes therapy has helped break the cycle of generational trauma in her family. After five years of ongoing care, Natalia continues to meet with her therapist, now every other week. “I’m still a work in progress, but I’ve come a long way,” she said.


*Patient’s name has been changed for confidentiality


“ The way I felt accepted by my counselors… I’ve never had that kind of support.”


— Natalia, Client of Casa de Salud’s Mental Health Collaborative (MHC)

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“When you step into the building at Casa de Salud, you feel safe. There are people who know your language, who are always friendly and are there to make you feel accepted and validated. Casa provides people with the support and opportunities they need to grow.”


Alicia Naveas, Therapist at the Mental Health Collaborative (MHC)

How our community sees Casa de Salud

For providers, staff members and patients alike, Casa is viewed as a safe haven in the community. As the name Casa de Salud, or “House of Health” suggests, we strive to create a space where people feel at home.



FY23 revenue and expenses

Every gift makes a difference. See the full breakdown of how Casa uses donated funds to help close gaps in care in our community.


Your Support

We’re fortunate to have the support of many generous donors providing the critical funds needed to further our mission in the community.


Revenues and support

Total: $1,638,439

Grants and contributions


Patient fees

Interest and other income

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Making every dollar count

When you give to Casa, we invest 77 cents of every dollar in patient care, ensuring we can continue delivering quality health services to those who need it most.



Total: $1,500,180

Clinical services team

Case management team

Mental health care team



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Assets summary

At Casa, we care deeply about our mission and work diligently to sustainably grow the organization. Our reserves ensure that we can continue to deliver services and be an asset to the community.



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Thank you volunteers!

Without your valuable time and service, our impact would not be possible.


saved through dedicated volunteer services.


Growing our impact

For every person we reach, there are 2 more waiting to receive care.

The reality is that the need for our services far outweighs what we are able to fulfill at Casa today. With your help, we can expand our resources to reach even more St. Louisans who desperately need care.

Learn how you can support our mission:

Take Action
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